Transference Healing® Workshops
'The art of healing is a gift of the GODDESS. Everyone can learn and ascend. It is truly a blessed gift!' - Nina.
Transference Healing® workshops are among the most self-empowering gifts of mastering you can gift to yourself. The gift of being able to commence running the sacred energy of Transference Healing®, is profound and life changing. You are energetically reconnecting to a universal system and enabling yourself to bring in multidimensional frequencies that will support you to become more empowered both in your ability to self-heal, self-master and reconnecting you to Spirit - the God/Goddess. Each workshop supports you to co-create your ascension into the New Golden Age.
These wonderful Transference Healing® workshops focus on self-healing and self-mastering, teaching you to run Transference Healing® techniques on yourself, family and friends.
Anyone can learn to run Transference Healing®. Which workshop to choose to do first?
The brilliance of all the Transference Healing® workshops is how complete and comprehensive they are, creating a solid foundation of spiritual universal knowledge and sacred teachings. Each of the workshops are independently taught however, integrate beautifully with one another with a practical approach that is easily applied to in everyday life.
Accredited Transference Healing® Workshops:
Transference Healing® was channeled as a system to support divine self-healing and ascension. The KEY to this modality is the Fundamental and Advanced Level procedures. Upon competition of this training, you will have the knowledge, confidence and energetic means to run a full Transference Healing® session.
Fundamental Training.
Advanced Training.
Graduate Workshops.
Supplementary Transference Healing® Workshops:
The following workshops have been developed to supplement existing Transference Healing® publications. These workshops have been designed for personal development and self-empowerment.
Beyond Doorways 1 & 2.
Animal Magic Workshop.
Child of Light Workshop.
Healing with Alchemy Workshop.
The Graduate Workshops are specifically, for other Fundamental/Advanced Level and Teacher Graduates:
Mastering as a Healing Professional Graduate Workshop.
Holding Power of Light Graduate Workshop.
Initiation of Rays and Masters Graduate Workshop.
The Merkabah Graduate Workshop.​
'When the student is ready the teacher appears'.
Once you have completed Fundamental Training, the NEXT Step is:
Once you have integrated the Fundamental procedures through continual healing practice on yourself and your loved ones, there will come a divine point in time where you will begin anchoring the cosmic frequencies of the Advanced Level procedures. This will allow you to begin perfecting your electromagnetic field, allowing alchemical changes within the cellular level of your anatomy, co-creating and integrating sixth dimensional frequencies, which facilitates lightbody integration.
As a Fundamental Graduate trained by Nina Carrozzo (qualified Transference Healing® accredited Practitioner, Teacher (2007) and Advanced Level Teacher (2019)) you will be able to continue your transformational journey of self-empowerment and service by stepping into the Advanced Training.
For Advanced Graduates , the FINAL Step to CERTIFICATION is:
To achieve certification and be of service to humanity, as a registered Transference Healing® Practitioner, you are required to be endorsed by Alexis Cartwright the Channel, Anchor and Founder of Transference Healing®. Once you have gained certification, you are empowered to charge for Transference Healing® sessions, as a Certified Transference Healing® Practitioner.
For Advanced Graduates certified through The Spiritual Studio also, qualifies the student to attend an Advanced Training with Alexis at the resit price of $1,000. Please click here to go to the Transference Healing® website for Alexis’ upcoming training schedule and for further information on Teacher Training and The Seventh Golden Age Mystery School.
Fundamental Training
An all-encompassing spiritual healing workshop that is PROFOUND and life changing initiation into the Transference Healing Diamond Pyramid of Light™.
During this three (3) days Fundamental Training you will learn practical energetic procedures to create alchemy in your body, and open you up to intuitive guidance.
You will be guided through an energetic journey learning how to run the fundamental procedures and channel through the associated Transference frequencies to support a divine healing and ascension process integrating Enochian Technology.
When you commit to this self-healing training you are taking the first step towards self-mastery. Upon completion of the Fundamental Training, you are qualified to provide healings for yourself, family and friends ONLY.
Workshop Price: $3,400
Graduate Workshop Resit: $ 800
Fundamental Graduate Workshop - Review: $250
(Offered 3 months after initial training).
Practitioner's Manual (318 pages).
6 Practitioner's Templates and healing record sheet.
Lightbody Kit ®Essence (77 essences), Lightbody Kit Book (150 pages).
Fundamentals Training Certificate and Graduates Presentation CD.
Next Workshop: TBA
Transference Healing® Advanced Training
To undertake the Advanced Training, you need to have completed the Fundamental Training with Nina.
During this two day Advanced Training, you will learn new Advanced procedures, which are added to the Fundamental procedures. The workshop is all about lightbody technology, the wisdom of the Creative Principle and you begin to work with ancient Mystery School teachings.
Working with the energy and teachings of Ascended Master Metatron and Lord Melchizedek – integrated with Enochian Technology learnt in the Fundamental training. Throughout this two-day training, you are supported to master the embodiment of your Higher Self, while co-creating a reality of the New Golden Age. Upon completion of the workshop you will be able to run a Full Advanced Transference Healing® on yourself, family and friends ONLY.
Workshop Price: $3,400
Graduate Resit: $ 800
Training Manual.
Master Christ Template Set.
5 Platonic solids essences and Advance Training Certificate signed by Alexis Cartwright.
Next Workshop: TBA
Beyond Doorways 1 & 2
The Beyond Doorways 1: One Day Workshop.
Enables you to understand the fundamental levels, teachings and healing procedures in the book, 'Beyond Doorways - The Mysteries Revealed' by Alexis Cartwright.
The key focus of this workshop is to empower you to actively participate in your own healing and ascension process maximising your spiritual growth and enlightenment. Providing the opportunity to understand (feel, sense and see) energy and specifically learn how to run the sacred energy of Transference.
The procedures and spiritual tools shared throughout the workshop can be applied easily integrated into your everyday life, creating an energetic shift that will support you to re balance, align and shift frequency to sustain a general level of wellness in all aspects of your life.
Workshop Price: $700
Resit: $250
Workshop Manual.
Templates and;
Beyond Doorways Lightbody Kit® Essence (15 essences).
Next Workshop: TBA
The Beyond Doorways 2: One Day Workshop.
Reconnects you to the crystal healing powers of Lemuria and Atlantis.
Enables you to work with and understand the Mystery School (Lemuria and Atlantis) concepts and higher teachings of Transference Healing, working with alternative chapters (in Beyond Doorways - The Mysteries Revealed (Expanded Edition 2014), by Alexis Cartwright) to Beyond Doorways 1.
The Level 2 workshop provides new information reconnecting one to the healing powers of the crystal kingdom. It involves crystal skull work, gridding and templating work. This level goes more into the technology of matter and light, appeals more to those who wish to continue to empower their self-healing and self-mastery journey.
Workshop Price: $975
Resit: $250
Prerequisite: Beyond Doorways 1 Workshop (1 Day).
Workshop Manual.
2 x Clear Quartz Wands.
Lemurian Time Line Wand.
Small Crystal Skull.
Crystal Star Gate Gridding Kit (contains template and gridding crystals).
Please note: This workshop does not include supply of, the book, 'Beyond Doorways - The Mysteries Revealed' by Alexis Cartwright. You will need to purchase these independently.
Next Workshop: TBA

"Sitting the Beyond Doorways (Level 1 & 2) with Nina was more than just a workshop. She helped me to reconnect more to the light and assisted me to understand aspects of myself that I was struggling with. Because of this, I was able to reconnect to spirit on a deeper level. I would like to say thank you so much from my heart to Nina for providing me the space, the guidance that I needed for my soul to grow and evolve!"
Sydney, NSW Australia.
“Beyond Doors Level 1 and 2 were the first workshops, I did with my Transference Healing Teacher (back in April 2006). This was when doorways began to open and I rediscovered the, great 'I Am' within myself and I began to live my life from my heart. For this gift, I will be eternally, grateful. Alexis continually, states “if everyone learnt and ran the frequency of Beyond Doorways, the world we live in would be a much better place!” – Nina.

Animal Magic Workshop
Reconnects one to the insightful and unique multidimensional Animal Kingdom of planet earth.
The Animal Magic workshop is a magical and powerful one-day workshop enables you to work with the Transference Healing Animal Magic Ascension Divination Card Set, channelled by Alexis Cartwright.
As with all teachings of Transference Healing® the unique aspect of the Animal Magic workshop is that it works on a multidimensional level. The deck combines animals from different cultures around the world to bring through different shamanic experiences and belief systems.
The Animal Magic energy is the shamanic healing procedure which is incorporated in a full Transference Healing® session. The Animal Magic workshop opens one's awareness to the energetic nature and spiritual qualities of Earth’s Animal Kingdom, as well as Elemental and Mythical Kingdoms existing within parallel dimensions connected to Earth.
A KEY feature of the workshop it will help you re-establish a connection with their kingdoms – expand your awareness truly bring through the realisation of how interconnected we are.
You will learn to enhance your divination and 'psychic' reading skills, find your mythical totem animal and learn to work with the Animal Kingdoms.
Learn to create a crystal grid and an etheric Sacred Circle of Fire while working with four animal totems to support the awakening of your kundalini and enhance divine love and protection.
Workshop price: $975
Resit: $250
A workshop manual.
Animal Magic Bag (contains 13 gridding crystals, selenite wand & sage).
Please note: This workshop does not include supply of the Animal Magic Book and Card Deck. You will need to purchase these independently.
Next Workshop: TBA
Child of Light Workshop
"Be kind to your children. Allow them to share their light with you." - Alexis Cartwright.
The Child of Light workshop is an amazing and necessary workshop which supports parents and guardians to not only work on themselves to return to the purity of one’s inner child, but more specifically to work with and understand the unique qualities or inner nature of new born babies and the children of the New Millennium.
This workshop teaches parents how to work with Transference frequency-healing energy that will greatly benefit and support their Crystal Children. Supporting their overall wellness - health, mental and emotional wellbeing. An additional benefit - it also raises your vibration and that of your home environment through the introduction to crystals, templating and simple meditation techniques that can be shared with your children each and every day. These procedures can also be run on adults in order to go deeper within their etheric body to begin to clear a more in-depth level of Inner Child pain.
This workshop resonates with the energies of the 5th dimensional grid, the stellar grid and the crystalline frequencies of the Earth and stars that it filters through. It also resonates with energetic influence of Chiron and the consciousness of Gaia. Fundamentally, learning how to run the Child of Light frequency healing will support you and your children to embody a more enlightened way of life.
Workshop Price: $975
Resit Price: $250
Workshop Manual.
2 x Templates.
Platonic Solids Crystal Set and Clear Quartz Crystal.
Please note: This workshop does not include supply of:
Child of Light Meditations and Affirmations Cards by Alexis Cartwright.
'Beyond Doorways - The Mysteries Revealed' by Alexis Cartwright.
You will need to purchase these independently.
Next Workshop: Sunday, 11th February 2024

Healing with Alchemy Workshop
The Healing with Alchemy is a four (4) hour Workshop and enables you to understand the fundamental levels, teachings and healing procedures using the Healing with Alchemy Kit (2016) by Alexis Cartwright.
The key focus of this workshop is to empower you to actively participate in your own healing and ascension process maximising your spiritual growth and enlightenment. Providing the opportunity to understand (feel and sense) frequency and specifically learn how to run the sacred energy of Healing with Alchemy.
Workshop Price: $250
“There is a real sacred ritual gridding energy that comes through when running and teaching Healing with Alchemy. I particularly love doing this grid/meditation outdoors, lying on mother earth, and connecting through to the nurturing elements of nature." - Nina.
Please note: This workshop does not include supply of, 'Healing with Alchemy – Powerful Tools and Rituals for the Modern-Day Alchemist Kit' by Alexis Cartwright. You will need to purchase these independently.
Next Workshop: TBA