Yesterday, I learnt a very important lesson and I am sending a heartfelt blessed thank you those Souls who helped me get the clarity that I needed.
Every soul has a right to discover and journey their chosen path. In doing so it is all in divine order of self discovery.
I recall in Mystery School Level one my mantra was "I surrender my free will to embrace divine will". What I realised yesterday, that following one's freewill is also actually Divine Will. That every soul has a choice to go and discover what ever they need to do.
Life is a journey of discovery through the energy of doing. This is one of the greatest gifts that one can gift itself. With each action of doing that individual soul will trigger, influence another soul along its journey and another adventure of discovery begins. This trigger is a call to action can happen consciously or unconsciously at any time.
Imagine the beautiful petals, curves of the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life, each intersecting line is a moment of impact. That moment of impact, that choice, that Soul's decision to journey to take that turn in the fork in the road - we should not judge - it is all in divine order - it is perfect for that Soul. If we get triggered by the Souls decision instead of externalising the decision through judgement we should go within and ask "why is this impacting me so?" And another journey of self discovery begins..
I am forever saying that there is no failure just inner knowing in the doing. "It was good for me" or "it was not" - how do you know? You gave it a try...the knowledge was birthed is the doing. This gift of Soul learning is evolutionary, it is forever - infinity. Thus when a blessed soul is birthed it can never be extinguished.
So there is no right or wrong - Everything is in Divine order - it just is! Every Soul has a book of revelations to discover within them.
So if you are interested finding out about your book of revelations and how Transference Healing can support your discovery of your Soul's journey please contact me through The Spiritual Studio.
I look forward to hearing from you in living light,
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