How I came to Transference Healing...

Fundamental Training
“Reflecting back, I have to say after completing Fundamental Training (November 2006), I continued to receiving monthly healings with my Transference Healer and I spent almost 12 months practicing running the sacred frequency of Transference Healing. It was one of the most spiritually empowering periods of my life. I templated my first healing space and each and every day, I would practice running one procedure each day. I would also, re-read the Fundamental Manual, as a sacred and precious text of alchemy.
On Sunday mornings, I would often, hear my young family, saying “shhh, it’s Mum’s Sacred Temple Time.” I would run a Transference Healing on myself and to this day these healings continue to honour my spiritual practice, The Spiritual Studio and Transference Healing.” - Nina.
Advanced Level Training in Byron
“In September 2007, I completed my Advanced Level and Teaching Training in Byron Bay, NSW. I could sense, ‘Sylph’ energy was around and change was in the air.
Six weeks later, due to my husband’s work, we packed up our house (where I had my spiritual awakening) and moved to Dubai, UAE and this, is where ‘The Spiritual Studio, a Transference Healing Room’ was started!
The last thing, I did before leaving Australia in 2007 was put down a deposit for Mystery School. This began a whole other magical, mystical carpet ride around Mother Earth, UNIVERSALLY & INTERDIMENSIONALLY. I was taken back to the point of creation, and reconnected back through each of the Golden Ages to embody the universal wisdom and teachings of the Goddess. This is where we began, where we have been and where we are going. I was presented with infinite possibilities and I have not look back since! – Nina.
Beyond Doorways Level 1 & 2
“Beyond Doors Level 1 and 2 were the first workshops, I did with my Transference Healing Teacher (back in April 2006). This was when doorways began to open and I rediscovered the, great 'I Am' within myself and I began to live my life from my heart. For this gift, I will be eternally, grateful.
Alexis continually, states “if everyone learnt and ran the frequency of Beyond Doorways, the world we live in, would be a much better place!” – Nina.
So if you are interested finding out how Transference Healing can support your discovery of your Soul's journey please contact me through The Spiritual Studio.
I look forward to hearing from you in living light,
If you would like to know more about Transference Healing
please click on link below for a FREE Complimentary Consultation