2023 is a year of soul purification of one’s will. Remember to hold your state of balance when purifying one’s will and intent. It is a year of internal reflection, change to facilitate one’s evolution through the purest frequency - LOVE .
Love for self, the universe, your neighbour, the earth and all its creatures… all of God’s creations. Ground this frequency, wisdom into the grid of mother Gaia through the gateway of your heart. It is a year of soul healing, remembering what we do for self we do for all unconditionally.
Using numerology 2023 adds to a seven . The seventh year in a nine (9) year cycle is all about the Soul. Seven is a year of internal reflection, one re assessment and searching for your path of truth. It is a time to immerse yourself as to what you really need through healing, self development, discovering your life purpose and where you are heading.
The key words for 2023 are introspection, accountability, responsibility and transparency.
From a astrological perspective, overall 2023 is a transitional year, where structures, systems that are not in absolute truth will be revealed and could possibly collapse .
If any or all of this resonates with you and you are interested in Transference Healing in how it can support you in 2023 the transitional year of the soul, please reach out I would truly love to hear from you.
Wishing everyone a blessed 2023 and may we journey throughout the year with ease and grace of the Goddess.
In living light,
January 2023
If you would like to know more about Transference Healing or receiving a session please click on link below for a FREE Complimentary Consultation
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